Drive Revenue, Shine Cars:

We Have You Covered

Streamline your car wash business with Valley Wash Systems – your partner in design, build, and service excellence. Our comprehensive solutions and experienced team ensure your car wash operates smoothly, efficiently, and profitably, while delivering a sparkling clean and satisfying experience for your customers.


At Valley Wash Systems, we excel in delivering top-tier services for your car wash business needs. Our expertise lies in providing high-quality solutions that not only drive revenue but also ensure your customers' cars are impeccably clean and shining. With over 50 years of collective experience, our technicians are adept at installing and repairing Express Tunnels, Self-Serve Washes, and In-Bay Automatics, offering end-to-end solutions for your car wash business.


Valley Wash Systems offers a comprehensive suite of services for your car wash business, including top-notch equipment and chemicals, reliable servicing, genuine parts, and expert installation.

Proudly Partnering with Industry Leaders

At Valley Wash Systems, we represent top manufacturers such as Motor City Wash Works, Vacu-Tech, DRB, Autec Car Wash Systems, PurClean, and many more. Our partnerships ensure that we offer the highest quality car wash equipment and solutions to meet your business needs

Ready to Work Together?

Schedule an appointment with Valley Wash Systems to kickstart your journey toward a more profitable car wash business.

Our team will work closely with you to assess your needs, recommend the best solutions, and upgrade your car wash (or get it up and running smoothly).

Let's start making your car wash more profitable today!